Tristen is an attorney and co-founder of Jungle Law. He focusses on Federal drug crimes, as well as DUI and possession charges. He is a successful trial attorney who also works on Personal Injury cases.
Prior to joining the Jungle, Tristen was employed at law firms in Los Angeles and Miami. He holds a Master's degree in Human Rights law, and he has volunteered for the Bankruptcy Clinic at Florida A&M University, providing financial guidance for the Orlando community. Tristen also played collegiate golf at Rockhurst University. He is now a scratch golfer.
Tristen enjoys advocating for animals and sponsoring rescue organizations with his fiance and partner, Lauren Sierra. Together, they have drafted legislation with state representatives, increasing penalties for animal abusers.
Jungle Law's campaign, "Vote 4 Paws" has received over 30,000 signatures from individuals and institutions. The current proposed bill, "Release the Hounds" is pending before the Missouri Senate.
Tristen lives in Kansas City with Lauren and their giant German Shepherd, Yoshi.
J.D., St. Thomas University, Miami, FL
L.L.M., St. Thomas University, Miami, FL
B.S., Rockhurst University, Kansas City, MO